Well, I've finally gotten around to posting my New Year's post. We're already an hour into the new year before I've managed to even start on it. Hope that's not how this year is going to be for me. But I just thought that I would share with you guys what is going on with me and some things that I am striving for in 2010.
Well, first, the most obvious is that I am going to dedicate more time to this blog and to posting the best deals I can find for everyone. And if anyone finds a deal let me know and I'll post it. I will also be working on just improving the blog all around. I'm kinda new at this and well, you can tell. So anyone out there have any tips on blogging let me know. And I would just like to get my blog out there to more people. I do love the 2 followers I have, but really do want that number to grow in 2010!!
Second, I am going to pay off debt this year! I think I say this every year, but this year I really mean it. I have found a couple things that have inspired me to get debt free. So starting this year I will be working on a plan to do just that. I will also be posting lots of info on that as well. It is very important that we remember that we are all merely stewards of God's money. So we should be spending his money wisely! Well, not always as easy as it sounds. Well, I will basically be following the plan of Crown Financial Ministries, which is a class my husband and I took at church. But there are also some other things that I will be tying in with that. My main goal is to do what is pleasing to God in regard to our money and spending.
Third, I hope to be posting more about my journey to being debt free. I cannot promise how frequently yet. For now I'll be playing by ear. But I have just decided that I not only want to help everyone to save money with coupons and great deals, but I would also like to show everyone how to take that money saved and actually apply it where it needs to go in order to become debt free. I think this is the hardest part for everyone. We all save money on things, but then we just turn around and spend that saved money on something we didn't even need. If you decide to take your lunch to work, then take that $25 to $50 and make a extra payment on your credit card or mortgage. Don't wait or it will be gone! But let me stop about that. I've got to save something for my upcoming posts.
But I hope that everyone out there will also be making resolutions that will truly change your life. And I would love to hear what everyone's resolutions are. Please post them!
As for now, I am very tired and it is very late. And Happy New Year 2010 to everyone!
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